Study: Neurologists’ concentration on face-to-face time with patients undervalued by Medicare

Most neurologists yield face-to-face caring of neurology patients, many of whom have formidable diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy and Parksinson’s illness – conditions that need endless analysis and management. However, a new investigate published in a Apr 1, 2015, emanate of Neurology, a medical biography of a American Academy of Neurology, finds face-to-face caring by neurologists is exceedingly undervalued by Medicare and reimbursed during a almost reduce rate than what Medicare pays doctors for behaving tests and procedures.

“Spending time bargain patient’s symptoms and behaving a minute hearing are a vicious aspect of neurology – zero else is some-more important,” states investigate author Kevin A. Kerber, MD, of a University of Michigan Health System and a member of a American Academy of Neurology. “There are new policies that incentivize this work for physicians, though these policies privately bar neurologists – that could be a large missed event to urge neurologic caring in a United States.”

The investigate reviewed all Medicare payments to neurologists in 2012 formed on medicine remuneration information that was expelled publicly for a initial time in Apr 2014. The investigate found that 60 percent of Medicare payments to neurologists was for analysis and government (E/M)